TIME Magazine to Invest in Ethereum as It Partners with Galaxy Digital

In the age of digital media and smartphones, print media outlets are dying rapidly. However, TIME magazine has decided to not only stay relevant but also give back to society. The top magazine of its era has decided to form a collaboration with Galaxy Digital. Galaxy Digital Holdings is a financial investment and asset management organization that also offers digital currency exposure.

The executive brass of the news outlet has recently decided to add Ethereum to its balance sheet. Furthermore, TIME magazine is also moving to launch a TIME 100 companies list that is centered on the Metaverse. The CEO and founder of Galaxy Digital, Mike Novogratz, commented that the partnership with TIME is a significant milestone for the company.

TIME Magazine to Promote Metaverse Projects

Novogratz speaking on the matter of the partnership with TIME magazine, claimed that cryptocurrencies and digital assets are soon going to become part of everyday life just like the internet. He claimed that the partnership of the financial vehicle with the world-renowned media outlet is the first of its kind. The TIME 100 list is a new project that is funded by Galaxy Digital.

This list is directed towards covering the most influential companies that are making important contributions to the development and progress of blockchain technology. The Metaverse is also going to be included alongside the builders and contractors in this space. TIME management has declared that the companies that wish to be featured can submit their applications before December 31st.

The TIME 100 list is going to be supervised under the veteran entertainment reporter Andrew Chow. Sharing his views on the Metaverse, Chow claimed that the current hype around the concept is enough to make its mention turn bleak and redundant. However, he claimed that careful reporting and responsible journalism could have a massive impact in the years to come.

Reflecting on this matter, Novogratz claimed that the main aim of this partnership is to bring Wall Street bankers, journalists, and Web3.0 developers under one tent. He further added that it is an attempt to open up dialogue on this matter and explore the new ways that this technology can contribute to the utility of the people during everyday life.

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