Teenager To Serve Two Years In Jail For Buying Drugs With Bitcoin

No matter what happens in the coming years, crypto is here to stay, and regulatory entities would need to find stringent laws to govern the sector. Even though it was not originally designed to be used by malicious entities, Bitcoin has seen its uses soar beyond the previous peer-to-peer use it was designed for.

In a win for law enforcement and regulatory authorities, the United Kingdom law enforcement has announced the confinement of a 19-year-old found guilty of using a digital asset, Bitcoin, to purchase a drug called ecstasy. According to the report, all was already finalized as the boy paid the seller of the product using Bitcoin to make the transaction as anonymous as can be.

The teenager gets the drugs from the Netherlands

Further research showed that this is not the first time the boy will be dealing with the controlled substance. In the confines of law enforcement, the boy in question, Dylan Bailey, is set to serve two years in jail for his involvement in the pushing of the drug. The report said that the ecstasy tablets were imported from firms outside the country to be sold to people across the United Kingdom.

This is not the first time that such activities would be done on the dark web, as the place has been home to the worst of the worst criminals across the world. Even though Bitcoin has so many potentials, this case and others like it have underlined the need to control and regulate the asset with immediate effect.

The report also claimed that the teenager got the supplies of the drugs from his dealer, who is located in the Netherlands. The modus operandi of moving the drugs was through empty DVD cases that were sent and addressed to Dylan’s home.

Workers at the mail office discovered the drugs

Looking at how the perpetrator was caught, the report said that the people at the mail center suspected the parcel and examined it to find its contents. Also, law enforcement looked into his phone records and saw several messages which showed that he had previously been selling the drugs around his hometown of Nuneaton.

The sealed DVD case was examined, and about 83 pink tablets were found to be contained in it and sealed to evade heat. After carrying out a test showing that the tablet was indeed ecstasy, the mail officer alerted law enforcement and wasted no time picking Bailey up at his home. According to details, the street value of the drugs was about £5 per tablet.

Police also said that their research showed that Bailey had been advertising the pills to so many people claiming it would give them super strength. The authorities also said that some of his buyers paid as much as £50 for a tablet of the drugs. Another related case was a case that came out of Malta involving snatching various data from phones belonging to celebrities. According to Europol, the perpetrator was able to steal about $100 million worth of crypto.

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