Russia to Consider Crypto Legalization for Cross-Border Transactions

TASS, a Russian news outlet, reported that Finance Deputy Minister Aleksey Moiseev confirmed that the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance admitted that the present conditions call for cross-border payments in crypto.

He claimed that it could be essential to authorize international crypto settlements in the coming times.

Moiseev stated that the Bank of Russia had rethought its stance on the crypto market. The digital asset class needs regulation to avoid fund misuse in illegal activities such as money laundering and drug sales.

Most individuals open cryptocurrency wallets outside the nation. Meanwhile, Moiseev trusts that regulated Russian entities should conduct the registration. That would include regulations associated with client information and anti-money laundering.

Russia’s Crypto Approach Evolves with Time

Russia’s approach to cryptocurrencies has changed with time. The central bank hasn’t favored crypto introduction as it wanted the native Ruble to be Russia’s only legal tender.

In October last year’s interview, President Vladimir Putin told CNBC that cryptos could serve as units of accounts, but they remain highly unstable.

Cryptocurrency facilitates cash transfer but remains premature (according to Putin) as an option for traders because of hurdles like energy usage. Putin added that everything evolves, and the Russian government monitors the crypto market.

In July this year, the Russian Parliament introduced a law that suspended digital assets, including crypto, as a payment option.

August 2022 reports revealed that the Russian central bank was working to develop its digital token, CryptoRuble, planning to unveil it in the coming few years. Nevertheless, its hesitations about other digital coins remain.

It is noteworthy that Russia’s crypto approach moderated with time. Mikhail Mishutri, Prime Minister, said in August 2022 that crypto adoption was essential as a secure option for uninterrupted international payments.

In May this year, Trade leader Denis Manturoz stated that the country would authorize cryptocurrency payments soon. Nevertheless, questions surround the move.

When will it occur, how, plus possible regulations? Manturov confirmed that the government and the central bank are engaged in crypto debates.

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